Friday, August 1, 2008

1st week of Enforcement--@ Office

One of the requirements in enforcement is to take down what have u done everyday. These are parts of the diary........

the hidden parts of the diary........

~~~ No one have ever seen before~~~

Day 1
To confirm the attendance of Dialogue. I phoned some of those private sector pharmacists: "I wanna confirm r u coming for the Dialogue on Sat?"

"The pharmacist is taking maternity leave"
"All right."

"The pharmacist is opening a new shop. The Dialogue fall on the opening date."
"All right."

"I'm going to attend the anniversary celebration."
"All right."

"I dun feel very well on that day."

Day 2
Annual licensed premise inspection. Went back home @5.30pm. Reason: Went for a tour on the inspection site.

Day 3. Went to custom for passenger checking. The fact is: Custom officers were taking examination. Therefore we were out there alone, taking care of passenger checking...3 pharmacists...checking passengers....n 70% were Lao, Vietnamese, Thai...Sawadika...sori~i tak faham
Day4. Clinic Inspections. Did my 1st ever Malay report in 10 years time.

(That is the best resolution i can put on)

Day 5. Total up expenses in Hospitals & KKs. 2.5 hrs spent on calculating the hosp & KK, 1.5hrs spent on 1 particular hospital. That hospital is definately in need of an accountant than pharmacist.

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