Saturday, April 19, 2008

1 week in TPN (2days KK3+3days TPN)

Among all the departments i'm going this month, i'm looking forward to TPN the most. However, i was sent to KK3 for 2 days+Chiou Yann went KK3 another 2days. Fri is the only time when we went in TPN room togather.
Filling up the form & everything

Prior to enter into TPN room

TDM yet not enough, TPN partner again,ie Chiou Yann!!

Kak Niza,in-charge of TPN. we err....served as the background?

As i said, stop using us as background,Ida!!

Kelvin has Parkinson,that's y the image so blur....Juz joking,i sprayed alcohol at the window,that's y!

What we had made. These are made out of our effeorts, love & care

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