Monday, February 4, 2008

mY bUddIEs iN MMuahhhahahaha...

These 2 fellows are my buddies in the hospital, Kelvin and Kelly. Well,anyone should be able to tell which is which right? Of course the left hand side is Kelly while the right hand side is Kelvin. Ehh??Or izzit the other way round? Nevermind...make no difference anyway.

Kelly,my housemate. Crazy about Fahrenheit, especially Wu Zun. Unbelievably, getting married soon.

Kelvin,my ex-classmate. From IMU as well, so same frequency. Basically know him from head to toe.

Three of us are often togather...okay,always togather. When anyone kena anjal,most probably the other 2 would also stay accompany. Partly is because we care for one and other,that's what friends are (V_V) the same time it is also because we have nothing else to do (-.-)"

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